Love. Challenge. Equip.
We guide teens and young adults beyond their painful pasts as they take on challenges many of them thought were beyond their reach...and we equip them to win. One step. One task.
One breakthrough moment that changes everything.
They're our future doctors, entrepreneurs, teachers and military heroes. They're smart, strong, funny, resilient and brave. We've equipped transition-age youth since 2003 with a passion, a vision and a workable life plan.

Programs have often fallen short because
the tools have not existed to break through years of trauma-based challenges.
That tool is here.
It's evidence based. It's digital, mobile and scaleable.
We're moving through barriers faster and at deeper levels of engagement to sustain the kind of growth that propels youth forward.

Youth 18 to 25: Select the Next Step tab. Choose a topic. Do the steps. Steps? A nav system to help you outsmart what's getting the best of you.
Foster Forward: Contact us to conduct a workshop at any college, independent living program, after care or transitional housing program.
Nonprofit Leaders: We support agencies to help solve mission-critical challenges. Call us when your last nerve has suffered enough.

Start Your Navigation

"Thank you...I truly appreciate your advice and how you've supported me through this course. I fully believe in JP & the amazing opportunities The Next Step can provide to those who are willing to do the work. We're on the net anyway. Let's use it for something positive." - SM
“At first, I thought, ‘I have to remember to do my steps!’ Now I wake up and think, ‘Wow, I get to do my steps today.’ ” - MB
"These navigational steps made me think of my strengths, which I'm not used to doing. I can name my weaknesses easily, but I never stop to think about my strengths. Over all? The subjects are real. I was able to relate to a lot of the situations, so that was awesome." - CM
"Thank you again for being an invaluable resource to us!"
- Real Life Annie (NC Nonprofit)
"I met Kim when she came into our facility to learn more about our programs. I did not anticipate to have so much in common with a stranger. Kim described to me in detail the levels of support she has provided for so many youth in the Bay Area. It was truly inspiring to hear how she had helped the teens she worked with and to see first hand the program she used to make that impact. Working with underprivileged youth is challenging work and she definitely is someone that seems to rise to the challenge. In November of 2021, I reached out to Kim about assisting with preparing our youth for a public speaking program. Using software that she used for various other programs through her non-profit she was able to work with my teens to craft their speeches and practice their public speaking skills. Her time with the teens in our program proved so important that at the night of the event all of our teens did a remarkable job on stage. Community members and donors of our program continuously noted that these were the best speakers we’ve had. This testament is to the drive that Kim has to work with youth of all backgrounds. These were teens she had not met before and in such little time turned them into champions of their circumstances."
- EG, Sr. Director, Teen Services, Boys & Girls Club of Sonoma Valley
“I am so excited for the youth and for these navigational steps to continue. I think every youth/young adult should have the opportunity to do this. Congrats to you!”
- Director, Independent Living Program, San Mateo County
“Awesome! That’s all I can say. Thank you for your continued partnership.” - Transition-Age Foster Youth Supervisor, San Mateo County Children and Family Services.

Mailing Address:
274 Redwood Shores Parkway #117
Redwood City, CA 94065